Word domains - Publications

Bickel, B., K. Hildebrandt & R. Schiering, 2009. The Distribution of Phonological Word Domains: a Probabilistic Typology. In Grijzenhout, J. & B. Kabak (eds.) Phonological Domains: Universals and Deviations. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [pre-print]
Schiering, R., B. Bickel & K. Hildebrandt, in press. The Prosodic Word is not Universal, but Emergent. To appear in Journal of Linguistics[pre-print]
Schiering, R., B. Bickel & K. Hildebrandt, in press. Stress-timed = word-based? Testing a hypothesis in prosodic typology [Ms.]
Bickel, B., K. Hildebrandt & R. Schiering, 2007. Are there universal principles determining phonological word size? 7th Biannual Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Paris, September 26.
Bickel, B., K. Hildebrandt & R. Schiering, 2007. Cluster Analysis of Phonological Word Domains. Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society, Siegen, March 1, 2007.
Schiering, R. 2006. Morphologization in Turkish. Implications for Phonology in Grammaticalization. Ms. U Leipzig.
Bickel, B. & K. Hildebrandt 2005. Word Domains., Presented at the Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, February 15 2005.
Bickel, B. & K. Hildebrandt 2005. Diversity in Phonological Word Domains. 6th Biannual Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Padang, July 24.