Publications and Presentations

Downloadable papers (pdf):

Schiering, R., K. Hildebrandt, & B. Bickel, 2007.Cross-linguistic Challenges for the Prosodic Hierarchy: Evidence from Word Domains Ms. U Leipzig.
Bickel, B. 2007. A refined sampling procedure for genealogical control. To appear in Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung.
Bickel, B. & &. Nichols, 2006. Oceania, the Pacific Rim and the theory of linguistic areas. To appear in: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society
Bickel, B. & J. Nichols, 2001. Inflectional Morphology. To appear in Shopen, T. [ed.] Language typology and syntactic description Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (draft; 517K -- some fonts may not display correctly)
Bickel, B. & J. Nichols, 2002. Autotypologizing databases and their use in fieldwork. In Proc. Int. LREC Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics. Las Palmas, 25-26 May 2002.
Bickel, B. 2005. Typology in the 21st century: major current developments. Paper presented at the LSA Workshop on Typology in American Linguistics: an Appraisal of the field. To appear in a special issue of Linguistic Typology in 2007

Presentations (ppt or pdf for online viewing):

Bickel, B. 2002. The AUTOTYP research program . Invited talk given at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Typology Resource Center Utrecht, September 26-28, 2002. [click here for PDF version]
Bickel, B. & N. Nichols. 2003. Typological enclaves, Presented at the 5th Biannual Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Cagliari, September 18, 2003.
Bickel, B. & K. Hildebrandt. 2005. Word Domains, Presented at the Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, February 15 2005.
Bickel, B. & N. Nichols. 2005. Areal patterns in the World Atlas of Language Structure, Presented at the 6th Biannual Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Padang, July 24, 2005.
Bickel, B. 2006. Statistical Issues in Areal Typology. Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS), Bielefeld, February 23, 2006
Bickel, B., K. Hildebrandt & R. Schiering. 2007. Cluster analysis of phonological word domains., Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society, Siegen, March 1, 2007.

Published work

Note: the following list is not up to date. We are currently preparing a full bibliography on AUTOTYP-related work. Please check back later.

Bickel, B., 2000. On the syntax of agreement in Tibeto-Burman. Studies in Language 24, 583 – 609.
Bickel, B. 2000. Person and evidence in Himalayan languages. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 23, 1 – 12.
Bickel, B. & J. Nichols. 2005. The semantics of inalienables: a typological survey. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Oakland, CA, January 9, 2005
Bickel, B. & J. Nichols. 2005. Inclusive/exclusive as person vs. number categories worldwide. In: Elena Filimonova [ed.] Clusivity. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (with Johanna Nichols)
Bickel, B. & J. Nichols. 2005 Fusion and exponence of selected CASE and TAM formatives. In: In: Haspelmath, M., M. Dryer, B. Comrie & D. Gil [eds.] The world atlas of language structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bickel, B. & J. Nichols. 2005. Inflectional synthesis of the verb. In: Haspelmath, M., M. Dryer, B. Comrie & D. Gil [eds.] The world atlas of language structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Janssen, D., B. Bickel & F. Zúñiga. 2006. Randomization tests in language typology. Linguistic Typology 10, 419-40
Nichols, J., 1988. On alienable and inalienable possession. In: Shipley, W. [ed.], In honor of Mary Haas, pp. 557 – 609. Berlin.
Nichols, J., 1986. Head-marking and dependent-marking grammar. Language 62, 56 - 119.
Nichols, J., 1992. Language diversity in space and time. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Nichols, J., 1993. Ergativity and linguistic geography. Australian Journal of Linguistics 13, 39 – 89.
Nichols, J., 1999. Why "me" and "the"? In: Brinton, L. J. [ed.], Historical linguistics 1999, Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Nichols, J. & D. A. Peterson, 1996. The Amerind personal pronouns. Language 72, 336 – 71
Nichols, J. & B. Bickel. 2005. Alienable and inalienable possession. In: In: Haspelmath, M., M. Dryer, B. Comrie & D. Gil [eds.] The world atlas of language structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nichols, J. & B. Bickel. 2005. Head-marking and dependent-marking. In: In: Haspelmath, M., M. Dryer, B. Comrie & D. Gil [eds.] The world atlas of language structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zúñiga, Fernando, 2002. Inverse marking in the indigenous languages of the Americas. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Zürich.

last modified 25/06/07 kah
© by Balthasar Bickel and Johanna Nichols 2000